5 avril 2014 Une bonne interface utilisateur Voici un site qui donne plein de bonnes idées pour faire une bonne interface utilisateur : Try a one column layout instead of multicolumns: Try giving a gift instead of closing a sale right away: Try merging similar functions instead of fragmenting the ui: Try social proof instead of talking about yourself: Try repeating your primary action instead of showing it just once: Try distinct styles between clickable and selected items instead of blurring them: Try recommending instead of showing equal choices: Try undos instead of prompting for confirmation: Try Telling who it’s for instead of targeting everyone: Try being direct instead of indecisive: Try more contrast instead of similarity: Try showing where it’s made instead of being generic: Try fewer form fields instead of asking for too many: Try exposing options instead of hiding them: Try suggesting continuity instead of false bottoms: Try keeping focus instead of drowning with links: Try showing state instead of being state agnostic: Try benefit buttons instead of just task based ones: Try direct manipulation instead of contextless menus: Try exposing fields instead of creating extra pages: Try transitions instead of showing changes instantly: Try gradual engagement instead of a hasty sign up: Try fewer borders instead of wasting attention: Try selling benefits instead of features: Try designing for zero data instead of just data heavy cases: Try opt-out instead of opt-in: Try consistency instead of making people relearn: Try smart defaults instead of asking to do extra work: Try conventions instead of reinventing the wheel: Try loss aversion instead of emphasizing gains: Try visual hierarchy instead of dullness: Try grouping related items instead of disordering: Try inline validation instead of delaying errors: Try forgiving inputs instead of being strict with data: Try urgency instead of timelessness: Try scarcity instead of abundance: Try recognition instead of recall: Try bigger click areas instead of tiny ones: