Autres algorithmes à traduire

Labyrinthes : différents algorithmes

Autres algorithmes à traduire

J’ai traduit tous les autres, il me reste ceux-ci à finir. L’intégralité des algorithmes se trouve ici.

Binary tree Mazes : This is basically the simplest and fastest algorithm possible, however Mazes produced by it have a very biased texture. For each cell carve a passage either leading up or leading left, but not both. In the wall added version, for each vertex add a wall segment leading down or right, but not both. Each cell is independent of every other cell, where you don’t have to refer to the state of any other cells when creating it. Hence this is a true memoryless Maze generation algorithm, with no limit to the size of Maze you can create. This is basically a computer science binary tree, if you consider the upper left corner the root, where each node or cell has one unique parent which is the cell above or to the left of it. Binary tree Mazes are different than standard perfect Mazes, since about half the cell types can never exist in them. For example there will never be a crossroads, and all dead ends have passages pointing up or left, and never down or right. The Maze tends to have passages leading diagonally from upper left to lower right, where the Maze is much easier to navigate from lower right to upper left. You will always be able to travel up or left, but never both, so you can always deterministically travel diagonally up and to the left without hitting any barriers. Traveling down and to the right is when you’ll encounter choices and dead ends. Note if you flip a binary tree Maze upside down and treat passages as walls and vice versa, the result is basically another binary tree.

  • Sidewinder Mazes : This simple algorithm is very similar to the binary tree algorithm, and only slightly more complicated. The Maze is generated one row at a time: for each cell randomly decide whether to carve a passage leading right. If a passage is not carved, then consider the horizontal passage just completed, formed by the current cell and any cells to the left that carved passages leading to it. Randomly pick one cell along this passage, and carve a passage leading up from it (which must be the current cell if the adjacent cell didn’t carve). While a binary tree Maze always goes up from the leftmost cell of a horizontal passage, a sidewinder Maze goes up from a random cell. While binary tree has the top and left edges of the Maze one long passage, a sidewinder Maze has just the top edge one long passage. Like binary tree, a sidewinder Maze can be solved deterministically without error from bottom to top, because at each row, there will always be exactly one passage leading up. A solution to a sidewinder Maze will never double back on itself or visit a row more than once, although it will « wind from side to side ». The only cell type that can’t exist in a sidewinder Maze is a dead end with the passage facing down, because that would contradict the fact that every passage going up leads back to the start. A sidewinder Maze tends to have an elitist solution, where the right path is very direct, but there are many long false paths leading down from the top next to it.
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