Gitlab Continuous Integration
gitlab CI
Gitlab CI (Continuous Integration) |
Layer | A set of read-only files or commands that describe how to set up the underlying system beneath the container. Layers are built on top of each other, and each one represents a change to the filesystem. |
Image | An immutable layer that forms the base of the container. |
Container | An instance of the image that can be executed as an independent application. The container has a mutable layer that lies on top of the image and that is separate from the underlying layers. |
Registry | A storage and content delivery system used for distributing Docker images. |
Repository | A collection of related Docker images, often different versions of the same application. |
Docker memo
Docker memo |
docker images
List all images present on host. |
docker rmi
To remove an image you no longer plan to use. |
docker run [image]
Start a container of the image [image] . If the image is not present on the host, it will go out to docker hub and pull the image down, it's only done the first time. For the subsequent executions, the same image will be re-used.
docker run [image] -d
Start a container of the image docker run [image] in detached mode = in the background.
docker run -p [src]:[dst] [image] -d
Like rStart a container of the image docker run [image] in detached mode = in the background.
docker pull [image]
Like docker run but only pull the [image] , not run it.
docker exec [container name] [command]
Runs the command [command] on a running container.
docker ps
List all running containers with informations such as container id, the image used for it. |
docker ps -a
To see all containers running or not. |
docker ps
A collection of related Docker images, often different versions of the same application. |
docker stop [name]
To stop a running container. |
docker rm [name]
rm = remove container. To remove a stopped or exited container permanently = stop using space.
docker rmi
rmi = "remove images". To remove an image you no longer plan to use.
docker rmi
To remove an image you no longer plan to use. |